Casting a Three Nymph Rig


Several weeks ago I discussed fishing a three nymph rig.  A good friend complains about getting fouled and twisted knotted leaders with a three fly rig so let’s look at some casting options that can help you get good presentations.

Let’s assume you’ve cast your nymphs up and across stream to drift your flies deeply in the run beside you.  The current swings your nymphs downstream of you.  As the current pulls tight on your nymphs extend your rod downstream, rotate your hand up and make a cast upstream.  I call this a lob cast and the leader seldom fouls.

A different cast is used when you want to pick the nymphs up from the stream straight in front of you.  Tip the rod low to the side and with a tight line hand make a powerful low back cast.  As the line becomes tight behind you lift your rod straight in the air and make your forward cast.  When I teach this to my students I tell them to “come back low and out high.”

If you must make a standard overhead cast just slow down your casting rhythm and throw a wide loop on your presentation cast.