
Shadow of fisherman over a brook trout stream spooking the fish - Murray's Fly Shop

Be careful with your shadow! Note how the anglers head and shoulders cast a shadow on the pool in front of him. This would quickly scare the trout. Therefore the angler would not have a chance to catch the trout.

To master these situations first be aware how ones shadow can scare the trout and keep an eye out of where it is falling on the pools before you.

In some cases, going to your hands and knees may keep your body low enough that you do not cast a silhouette except low in front of you. A ploy I often use is to approach the pool from a different angle so my shadow does not fall onto the pool. Another effective technique is to locate the large trees behind you to the side. This way you can approach the pool in the shade of the trees.

Whichever method you use…just don’t let your shadow scare the trout.

For more tips and information on trout and bass streams in Virginia, checkout my book Virginia Blue Ribbon Streams, Trout Fishing in the Shenandoah National Park, Angling Tips, Fly Fishing Techniques for Smallmouth Bass or read some more posts on my blog.