Rainbow Trout

Rainbow Trout Blog by Harry Murray

Rainbow Trout

Many rainbow trout are stocked by the VDGIF in our delayed harvest streams in October. The natural tendency of the rainbows to move downstream and the high streams resulting from recent rains have prompted these trout to move throughout the length of the streams.

An excellent tactic that helps me cover a great deal of this water easily is to fish streamers across stream as I wade downstream from one pool to the next.

Streamers which match the natural minnows the rainbow trout feed upon are very effective.  Some of my favorites are the Shenandoah Silver Ghost Streamer size 10, Shenandoah Skunk Streamer size 10, Shenandoah Nine Three Streamer size 10 and Murray’s Pearl Marauder size 10.  Fishing these across stream right below the riffles so they swim slowly right along the stream bottom helps me catch many large rainbows.