How To Land That Large Trout


Strangely enough, ones chance to land that very large trout begins before the first cast is made.  You should be sure your hook is sharp, the barb is mashed down, the tippet knot is tight and the fly-to-tippet knot is tight.  Also be sure your tippet is correct for the size fly you are using.  For example if you are fishing a Sculpin Streamer size 6 on a sinking head line you should be using a 2X or 3X Tippet.

Let’s assume you’ve made a long cast and your Sculpin is swimming along the stream bottom when you feel the strike.  Instantly set the hook firmly with an uplifting rod-arm motion while simultaneously stripping the line quickly with your line-hand.  This powerful move assures that your strike will be quickly telegraphed down to the trout and that he will be solidly hooked.

Now you should crank in the slack line so you can get the trout “on the reel” in order to cushion any fast runs.  As quickly as possible get downstream of the trout so he has to fight the force of the current as well as the pressure from the rod.  Once the trout is subdued, position your landing net into the stream so the hoop top is tilted back about 30 degrees from perpendicular.  While holding the net still lead the trout into it.  After 3/4 of his body is in the net scoop it forward and you have your trout.