The Hexagenia Hatch

Hexagenia hatch

This Hexagenia was on the back window of the fly shop overlooking Big Stoney Creek yesterday. I don’t normally see them this early in the summer but that just means I need to get on the North Fork of the Shenandoah River to enjoy them sooner. I get some outstanding fishing in the evenings by matching this with a Mr. Rapidan Skater size 8.

When I see these hatching in water over 4 feet deep, I fish the Mr. Rapidan Skater down and across stream to them with a slight twitching action. If I see them hatching in shallower water, I fish the Mr. Rapidan Skater upstream dead drift.

When I see some of the bass sucking in the adult Hexagenias while others are creating splashy riseforms and even jumping, I know these splashers are chasing the emergers. In these situations, I fish a Mr. Rapidan Soft Hackle (Olive) size 10 on a two foot 2X dropper under the Skater. About half the bass take the dropper and half take the skater.

Hexagenia fishing for bass is one of my favorite angling tactics. Listen to my podcast for more information on this hatch and tips on how to fish it.