Who Grades Your Streamers?


Murray’s Magnum Creek Chub Fishes Like the Real Thing!


When you are designing new streamers to tie on your own or you are going to purchase them at your fly shop remember who will make the final evaluation…the fish.

My goal in designing new streamers to sell in my fly shop and to use on my own is to come up with a fly which can be made to ACT like the real minnow I am trying to match in the stream.  Whether this streamer is to mimic a natural madtom dashing from beneath one stone to another on the stream bottom or the pulsing swimming action of a real creek chub minnow going across a riffle these are the actions I need to duplicate in my new streamers.

A good way to develop streamers with different actions is to experiment with different tying materials because hair, feathers, furs and synthetics all behave differently in the stream.  Tie different flies with various combinations of materials and see how many fish you catch on each streamer.  You may have a winner right away or your best streamer may come from mixing the various tying materials.