Fly Fishing in August

Fly Fishing in August

Fly Fishing in August Podcast by Harry Murray

This podcast, Harry discusses the fly fishing in August for both bass and trout, techniques, and flies to use.

Fly Fishing in August with Flying Beetle
Even when I don’t see rising trout I can usually catch many nice trout on a dry Murray’s Housefly size 16 by fishing it upstream dead drift through the runs on the sides of the riffles entering the heads of the pools.

Trout Fishing in August

In August I like to fish with flies that match the natural foods the trout are seeing….terrestrials.  In addition to the normal beetle, ant, and hopper patterns I like to use what I call my “change of pace” flies.

  • Oakworms–You can see many natural oakworms around the stream banks.
  • Yellow Jackets–These are normally found around the sod banks near the stream.
  • Wasp–There are many wasps around standing bush and brush piles.
  • Moths–You will find moths in the evenings around back eddys.
  • Horseflies–These are always around pasture fields with horses and cows.
  • Houseflies–These little things can be found everywhere and I consider this fly very effective to fish with.
Fly Fishing in August with my change of pace flies
I have caught many fish on these “change of pace” flies. Fly Fishing in August

Bass Fishing in August

The other evening while I was bass fishing on the Shenandoah River I noticed a great amount of little baby bass swimming around.  That tells me the bass fishing will continue to be good next year.

Bass fly fishing in August can provide low and clear water so we need to be careful with our approach.  There are two things that can help us hide our approach:  aquatic grassbeds and rock ledges.  In this podcast I go into detail on how I like to fish these areas using my favorite flies for this time of the year.  Olive Marauder size 6, Skunk Roadkill Nymph size 6, Shenk’s White Streamer size 4, Shenandoah Blue Popper size 4, and Chartreuse Bass Popper size 6

If you are fishing in areas that you cannot hide your approach with grassbeds or rock ledges and you want to cast 20% further then use a Tapply Green/White Hair Bug size 6, Murray’s Blue Dragon Hair Bug size 4 or Shenandoah Yellow Hair Bug size 6 on a Bright Butt 9ft 2X Leader.

August is the last month that we will be offering full day fly fishing schools and half day lessons for this year.  So don’t miss out!
Upcoming dates:

Friday August 18  (full day)
Saturday August 26 (full day)
Wednesday August 16, 30 (half day)
Saturday August 19 (half day)
Saturday September 2 (half day)