You can get some great trout fishing at this time of the year if you can keep your tackle from freezing. Each year at this time I take some special precautions to keep my fly rod guides and line from freezing. The problem occurs when water from the stream adheres to the microscopic dirt on the rod and in the guides and this is the water that freezes and stops the line from sliding through the guides. The help prevent this problem I scrub the rod down with dish detergent and a tooth brush, then rinse it well and set it aside for several days to dry. After it is completely dry i rub it down well with SA Line Dressing on a paper towel paying special attention to the guides and all around them. Next I wipe the rod and guides completely with a paper towel to remove any excess dressing. It is amazing how water slips off a rod dressed in this way. I also clean, dress and rub down my fly line to remove all of the dirt so only a minimum amount of water will stick to it.
This system may extend your trout fishing season and could give you the largest trout of the year.