Cross Up

Being a pharmacist I hear many good stories in this field, but this true story is one of the best. Sue, a pharmacy intern was helping her father Dr. Snyder, a pharmacist, fill prescriptions one busy morning. Sue was typing the labels and her father put them on the medication. In the rush they got the label for an ear drop medication switched for one for hemorrhoid suppositories. They did not realize this until the next day when the elderly gentleman with the ear ache walked back into the prescription counter with a suppository, still in green aluminum foil, sticking out of each ear and says “Dr. Snyder, these things haven’t helped my ear ache at all.” Right away Sue and her dad realized what had happened. Her father calmly told the patient he could help as Sue hid behind the prescription counter, laughing so hard she couldn’t stop. Giving the patient the proper ear drops solved the problem….Sue said they never did hear from the fellow with the hemorrhoids.