The fly fishing reels we have today will last a lifetime and give wonderful service if you take good care of them. I’m now fishing with a Hardy Pre-Reissue Perfect Reel that has been in heavy use for over 30 years and it has never let me down. Be sure to follow the manufactures direction on the cleaning and care of your reels.
Here is the way I clean my fly fishing reel. I remove all of the fly line and backing. I remove the spool and scrub the whole fly reel (back, front, inside and out and the spool) with warm water and soap using an old soft toothbrush. I dry it with a soft cloth and set it aside for several days to dry completely. I then apply a thin coat of reel oil to the center pillar, drag, drag screw and all moveable parts inside the back of the fly reel being very careful no to get oil inside the spool where it might contact the line or backing. Next I put on new backing and replace the fly line.
Next week I’ll discuss how to take care of a fly line so it will perform well and last many years.