Winston Kairos Fly Rod

Close-up of R.L. Winston Rod Co. fishing rod handle with cork grip and black reel seat.

Winston Kairos Fly Rod- Murray’s Fly Shop- Edinburg, Virginia

The NEW Winston Kairos Fly Rods are in and I have tested them extensively. These are great rods at a very attractive price. Here is my evaluations of the three rods which have very broad usage.

Winston Kairos 8 foot 3 weight 4 piece
This is an excellent fly rod for small to medium size streams all across the country. The tip is very delicate that blends in smoothly to a full flexing action all the way to the butt section. This fishes flies from size 24 midges up to size 8 nymphs with great accuracy. This will cover trout fishing needs  quite effectively from ten to fifty feet.

Winston Kairos 9 foot 6 weight 4 piece
This fly rod meets a broad variety of needs. It is excellent for fishing medium to large size trout streams all across the country. It has a medium to fast action. The tip is fine enough to fish flies as small as size 18. The whole rod loads smoothly all the way to the butt section. The butt section is firm enough to cast nymphs and streamers up to size 6. It has excellent power for fishing Scientific Anglers Mastery Bass Bug Taper Fly Line and Scientific Anglers Mastery Bass Bug Taper Fly Line for both trout and smallmouth bass with heavy size 6 streamers. The smooth loading action is ideal for fishing smallmouth poppers and deer hair bass bugs up to size 6 with great accuracy along the river banks and grassbeds.

Winston Kairos 9 foot 7 weight 4 piece
This is an excellent smallmouth bass fly rod. It has a fast action which enables you to fish poppers and streamers up to size 4. This power makes it very easy to make long casts even in the wind with great accuracy. This also facilitates smooth mending when fishing streamers on Scientific Anglers Mastery Bass Bug Taper Fly Line across fast currents.  It is very easy to detect the strikes on deep swimming nymphs and streamers and then set the hook quickly with this rod.

The Winston Kairos is a very attractive fly rod with a clear graphite polished finish with Winston green thread wraps. The fly rod comes with a hard case and lifetime warranty. It is built in Montana.  The Fly Rod price is $475.00. We also sell combination packages with the Fly Rod, Reel, Fly Line and Backing at a great savings!