Which Fly Lines?

Individual standing in a river while casting a fishing rod with a bent line.

Which Fly Lines? Blog – Murray’s Fly Shop- Edinburg, Virginia

When I am heading out on a long trip for trout fishing waters I have never fished before I want to be sure I am taking the lines which will cover any situation I encounter.
I take a reel with three spools. On these I put on a Weight Forward Floating Fly Line, a Sinking Tip III Fly Line and a Fast Sinking Head Fly Line. I carry these in my vest when I am on the stream. I may change back and forth from spool to spool several times each day. This depends on the depth of the river, the speed of the current and the flies I plan to fish.
This often enables me to catch many trout in waters I could do poorly if I had only one fly line.