Trico Fishing Part 3

So far we’ve seen how to fool the trico feeders by going early and staying late and how to use one method of getting a good drag free drift by relocating your casting position. Today let’s look at some refinements of trico (and for that matter other small fly) tactics.
A great presentation which helps me get a natural drag free drift when I can’t relocate, as we discussed last week, is to use Marinaro’s “puddle cast”. This is easily achieved by using a slightly longer line than normal on the presentation cast and stopping the fly delivery while the line is at a 30 degree angle over the target. This allows the leader and the forward part of the line to fall in a “puddle” and you can get so surprisingly long natural drifts to catch these tough trout.
I also use 8X tippets because I believe this helps the size 24 fly float more naturally than a larger leader.
I like very delicately tipped fly rods that carry a #2 or #3 line. I could care less about 50 foot cast when I’m fishing tricos in the east or pseudocleons in the west because this usually produces drag. However, the properly constructed rod will enable you to achieve the accuracy you need and it will protect the 8X tippet on the strike.