The Switch Rod is a great rod for smallmouth fly fishing. These range from 10 feet to 11 feet long and can be cast with one or two hands. Many years ago before we used the term “switch rod” I had Harry Wilson the founder of the Scott Rod Company build one of these for me. I wanted it to use for my smallmouth fishing when I was wading deeply. It does an excellent job on this but now that my son Jeff has a new switch rod we use them often. The extra reach makes it easy to overcome cross-stream drag when fishing streamers in fast currents.
Fishing poppers along a shaded bank on the far side of the river when the stream is low and the bass are wary late in the summer is easy with the long casts you can make. Wading with your back against a solid tree-lined cover possesses no casting problem with a switch rod. When riding low in a kick boat or kayak the extra length of a switch rod make is easy to pick the line up off the stream, make a smooth back cast and accurate presentation cast.
Basically a switch rod is a great bass rod.