Help Protect Your Right To Use And Enjoy Virginia’s Rivers
The history: A civil suit in Alleghany County, VA could set a precedent that allows landowners to usurp the state’s ownership of miles and miles of public rivers.
A developer of a golf course community, who claims to have centuries’ old King’s Grants, wants to privatize several miles of the lower Jackson River (one of Virginia’s largest trout streams and year round tailwater fisheries). He is suing two anglers who point out that the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries promotes this section as public water, where we’re all entitled to fish, wade and anchor boats.
Everyone in Virginia who enjoys its rivers stands to lose if the developer wins and establishes a precedent that will allow other landowners to post river bottoms passing through their property. Anglers, hunters, and paddlers could all face similar suits on other waters even though the state has declared them to be public.
The Attorney General refuses to step into the fray. As a result, the two anglers are fighting this alone, footing the hefty legal bills to defend not just themselves but all Virginians.
They have set up a legal defense fund called Virginia Rivers Defense Fund (VRDF) to help with their legal fees.
Help Protect Your Right to Use and Enjoy Virginia Rivers
Learn more about VRDF at www.virginiariversdefensefund.org
To make a tax deductible donation, one can donate through the website or send checks to:
Friends of the Rivers of Virginia (FORVA) – a 501(c)(3) registered charity
PO Box 1750
Roanoke, VA 24008
(Please write VRDF in the memo line)