Recently we discussed the tactics of landing large trout in freestone streams and these points apply well in most situations. However, when we encounter thick aquatic grassbeds that often occur on spring creeks and rich tailwater streams. the task of landing very large trout becomes more complicated. Here are some tactics which help me when I have a large trout in a grass-filled stream.
1. I always get downstream of the trout as quickly as possible so he has to fight the current as well as the rod pressure.
2. When the trout dives toward the stream bottom rather than try to lift him with a high rod pressure which often prompts him to dive deeper I’ve found that a gentle pressure with the rod parallel to the stream works best.
3. If the trout run upstream into a tunnel-like opening in a grassbed I find that the same low rod pressure applied directly from below where he ran into the grass will usually cause him to come back out.
4. Once the trout is subdued use a high rod angle to lead him into the landing net.
5. Throughout the whole battle be sure to keep the trout on the reel so you are in control of any fast runs.