Fly Line Care

A well cared for fly line will last longer and give you much better fishing.

Giving a fly line the proper care will enable it to perform well and it will add years to the life of the line.

Here is how I care for all of my floating fly lines.  I remove the whole line from the reel.

Step 1- I wash the whole line with Ivory Soap on a paper towel.

Step 2- Using a separate paper towel I rinse all of the soap off the line with water.

Step 3- I dry the line completely with another paper towel.

Step 4- I apply about 6 drops of Glide Line Dressing to a clean paper towel and dress the whole line thoroughly.

Step 5- With a dry clean paper towel I rub the whole line down to remove the excess dressing.  That dressing which adheres to the microscopic pores in the line does the job.

I like to clean my lines in this way after every tenth fishing trip.