When you are out photographing your fly fishing excursions in cold weather, be very careful not to let the camera go from cold to warm to cold again.  This can cause condensation in the camera that, unfortunately I found out the hard way, can destroy the camera.  This is easily remedied by placing the camera in a case instead of inside your waders/ coat when you are not using it.  I know many folks who use the point and shoot cameras throughout the winter and they store them in their shirt pocket.  This will work if the temperatures are not much below freezing and you quickly capture the photo you want then return it to the warm pocket.  In preparation for a day of cold weather photography I place my camera and case in our unheated garage several hours or even the night before I plan on heading out into the cold.  Another valuable lesson is to be sure you securely close the lid on your camera case as soon as you put the camera away or get it out.  More than once I have splashed water, mud and snow into my waterproof Pelican case because I left the lid open.