Invasive Species Cleaning Procedures for Fishing – Murray’s Fly Shop

Aquatic Invasive Species, Learn how to prevent the spread of invasive species
Do you want this in your favorite river or stream? Educate yourself and prevent it!

Invasive Species Cleaning Procedures for Fishing

Spring is here and with it we are all eager to hit our favorite stream or river.  As you venture out be safe and most importantly have fun!
Please take a minute to educate yourself on the threat of Aquatic Invasive Species / Aquatic Nuisance Species to our streams and rivers.  This threat continues to persist and likely will Ad infinitum.  Please educate yourself about how to prevent their spread then take action to ensure you and your friends aren’t part of the problem.
Some great resources are found throughout the web and here are a few of our favorites:
Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force
Didymo in Virginia
Clean Angling Coalition – Take the Clean Angling Pledge while you’re there
FWS- Aquatic Invasive Species
USDA – Invasive Species
If you are reading this and are registered for one of our On-the-Stream Schools please take steps to ensure your gear is clean prior to arriving at the school.  As of today, 3-28-2014, felt soles are legal in Virginia.  They are illegal in Maryland (Potomac River).
How do you clean your gear?  Read Harry’s article on Cleaning and Disinfecting your Fly Fishing Gear or listen to his Podcast on Aquatic Invasive Species.